Happy Veteran’s Day!
America, America, America.
There’s a lot of noise in the country right now, but let us not forget who we are. Let us also not forget those who laid their lives on the line to protect our home. No matter how you feel or what side of the fence you’re on, we are all Americans living in America.
Democrats and Republicans are fighting to protect the country and they have been for generations. At the end of the day, on the battlefield, nothing we’re complaining about on a daily basis with our first-world problems matters in the slightest.
Just like we saw with 9/11, we are all one and the same and have everything in common. We are a family. Thank you to all the veterans out there past, present, and future. Today’s Deal Of The Day is for you. If you’re a Veteran and have some IT troubles going on that you need help with, all my services are 50% off for you today as a thank you.
For the rest of us, I hope you join me in seeing past the noise and loving our country again.
Fly high, Ol’ Glory